Straight From the Heart

I am just sitting here on a Friday night creating art work. That seems to be one thing that makes me happy and keeps me sane. It’s my life’s work and I find it very satisfying when it materializes like I want it too. Most of the time that isn’t the case but I just keep on keepin’ on until I feel it is a success, at least in my mind.  I am such a perfectionist that I could never be a gallery artist. I can’t produce that much in volume which they are required to do. Though I do sell some pieces every so often, I can’t do it for the money because when I do, it loses all meaning. I think this is the case in with any type of art whether it’s visual or performance art. It must comes from the heart. Of course, the goal is to sell your craft to make money in order to survive but by solely focusing on that is to cheat yourself and your audience. Never cheat people that support you. Give them your best. Also, if you take short cuts, it shows. Never take short cuts.

My art is a reflection of my soul. If you want to know who I am, all you have to do is look at my finished pieces. Some people get me and some people don’t but that’s just life. I think my art work displays the warmth I have as a being. At least I hope they do. Maybe some find me a cold b*tch but that is not the case. There are some people that are cold beings. I know. I’ve met ‘em. I’ve always seen myself as a warm person even though I can act like a monster under times of duress, which lately, has been the case. And like most people, I’ve always been a sexual being. I think that also comes out in the finished pieces whether it was intended or not. Usually it’s not what I intended but if it works, it works. In both s-e-x and art I let nature take it’s course. Don’t fight it.

My artistic passion may fade from time to time but it never goes away.  I think every now and then we all need a break from whatever it is we like to do. It’s like taking a vacation from your vacation. I’m afraid all the vacation I will get, though, is sleeping in and starting again tomorrow. It seems like I stay working but I wouldn’t have it any other way. When it’s all said and done, I will have a body of work to show for it and a legacy for my kids. That way I will live on long after I’m gone :)


3 Responses to Straight From the Heart

  1. CINDY November 13, 2012 at 03:50 #

    Your artwork is indeed part of your legacy-a wonderful thing that will carry on long after you are gone. My grandmothers paintings were divided between her three daughters and each of us grandchildern have one. Mine is copy of a Van Gogh painting. I treasure mine…it is priceless. Here at the house there are 2 on the living room walls, 1 on the mantel, 1 in the hallway, and 1 in the kitchen….and that is just what I can see from here. I am reminded of my grandmother everyday. :) I think it’s great thing you do. Keep on keeping on. :)

    • admin November 13, 2012 at 10:32 #

      That’s very nice Cindy. No wonder you mom wanted a Van Gogh :)

      • CINDY November 13, 2012 at 20:28 #

        Yep :)

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