Someone Please Pass the Cheesecake

I’m lovin’ this crisp fall weather but as usual, this month leaves me short on time and stressed out. You would think that someone that doesn’t work outside the home would sit around all day watching The Golden Girls and eating cheesecake. Apparently that’s what people think I do. That’s generally what people think of stay-at-home parents. I have to fit in taking care of a toddler, cleaning, doing endless loads of laundry, cooking, freelance work, artwork, blogging, and the list goes on. Where, may you ask is the romance? Long gone I’m afraid. It’s been gone for a while with no hope of return. I just don’t have time for such things in my schedule and I’ve never been one for such fluff anyways. While I have always been an amorous person by nature, I have never been mushy and I downright loathe PDA so don’t even try it with me. I am a very private person when it comes to anything involving touching another human being in any way other than friendly. It almost makes me sick when I see people all over each other in a public places. Gross. I’m not coldhearted by any means. I’ve just always been very guarded in the love and romance department but every once in a while someone manages to get in without permission. I say once in a while but it’s only happened maybe twice and I’m almost 40. That should tell you I don’t wear my heart on my sleeve. It just happens and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. You’ve not asked for it or been prepared in the slightest. Someone has managed to break down the barrier and touch the core of your being without the slightest struggle. In other words, you don’t know what hit you. For some reason these things never last and you have to resign yourself to that fact and look for the same thing in others without ever finding it. That’s not something that happens everyday. If it did the world might be a nicer place. I often wonder if that will ever happen again or have I reached my maximum for this lifetime. What is the purpose of it all if you’re not meant to be with someone that makes you feel warm and fuzzy. It’s so hard to come by, then you do and it doesn’t work out. I know everything happens for a reason. Just curious why things like that are never meant to be. Now, if I were a Golden Girl, this would definitely call for some cheesecake. If anyone has any stories to tell please leave a message :)

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4 Responses to Someone Please Pass the Cheesecake

  1. Cindy October 9, 2012 at 07:48 #

    I hear ya, girl! And please pass the cheesecake.

    • admin October 9, 2012 at 07:51 #

      and the ice cream and the whipped cream

  2. Cindy October 9, 2012 at 08:23 #

    …and a cherry on top!

    • admin October 9, 2012 at 08:39 #

      what else?

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