Signs, Signs

This morning as I attempted to sleep in, I had a strange vision. Not a dream but a vision, you know the kind that comes to you relatively quickly after closing your eyes. I had already been woken up. I was just trying to salvage the last bit of sleep that I could get so I closed my eyes for a minute. Then I saw only a black background with small white lettering that I couldn’t make out. Slowly, I was able to make out that it was a calendar with a date and day of the week. Then, just like a display on a clock, it flipped and showed a new date but I couldn’t make that one out either.  Whatever the date was, I was not privy to it. I woke up immediately because it startled me. That was the most mysterious vision I have ever had, like I had been given a message of some sort. As soon as I opened my eyes,  I felt it was apocalyptic in nature.

I’m not claiming to be psychic like that crackpot Sylvia Brown, far from it. If she actually has any psychic abilities, I would rather not guess where it comes from because I already have my suspicions. The things she says are not in line with Christ’s teachings. Mostly I have a feeling she serves her own interests, not mankind’s. Let’s move on shall we. In the last days God said he would pour the Christ’s teachings out on mankind and  think it s definitely happening. It’s even biblically based.

‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. ~ Act 2:17

Ever since I’ve been around, people have been bracing for the end. In years past, some pastor from some church somewhere would claim to have pinpointed the date and time of Jesus’ return or tell us that he’s been given special knowledge from a higher power, we scoff but still anxiously watch and wait. We’re still waiting guys.

As I have watched almost 40 years go by, it seems like most the signs are there. Let’s look at the checklist:

  • People Claiming to be God – Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre come to mind because I’m old. Glass of Kool-Aid anyone?
  • Famines and Earthquakes – everywhere around the globe and in the strangest places like Guatemala and Louisiana. In all my years of living there, was nary a thing was going on, then I leave and all hell breaks loose. Wouldn’t you know it. Let’s not forget Haiti. The got their due for their history of satan worship.
  • False Teaching – I believe this refers to the New Age teachings which will lead many astray. Shirley MacClaine is the voice for this movement like Tom Cruise is to Scientology.
  • Tribulations – As of now, in America, you can expect to practice your Christian faith without persecution unlike in the middle east but at the very end it will be worldwide and very brutal. Beheading will be punishment. Presecution will cause many to be martyred.
  • Gospel Taught Throughout the World – I get updates about it spreading in China. Once it makes it’s way back to the Holy Land, it will have completed it’s cycle.
  • Wars and Rumors of Wars – War seems to have been ongoing for the past century, making it a bloodbath. Now we have the current situation in the middle east with Israel bombing the hell out of Gaza. The bodies are piling up.

These are just a taste of what’s to come. It’s not gonna be pretty. Buckle up guy, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. May Peace Be With You <3



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10 Responses to Signs, Signs

  1. Cindy November 23, 2012 at 23:20 #

    The signs are always there if you look hard enough you can see anything you want to see. These things you mention have been happening for eons. And everytime there is a natural disaster people say it is the end of the world. I think it is human nature. Sorry Shea, but I’m not drinking your kool-aid this time. I am interested in your visions though. Do you have many of them?

    • admin November 23, 2012 at 23:29 #

      Just that one vision which is why it stood out. Of course these events have been happening a long time but have gotten more frequent and more intense. The birth pangs are getting stronger. That’s when you know the end is near. Whatever you believe, just be ready.

  2. Cindy November 23, 2012 at 23:38 #

    Well, anything is possible. If it does happen in my lifetime, I will proud to give up my head for being a Christian and believing in Jesus Christ; afterall, he died for me.

    • admin November 23, 2012 at 23:45 #

      Nobody knows when but we do know it’s closer than it was yesterday. The thought of being beheaded doesn’t sit well with me but if it must be…

  3. Cindy November 24, 2012 at 10:19 #

    I imagine it would be quick like 1,2,3 snap, then it’s over and eternal bliss in heaven begins. I can not imagine it being like my Grams said about how the chickens ran around after their heads were cut off. Yeah, I went there. LOL!

    • admin November 24, 2012 at 12:38 #

      You would think it would be quick but when Anne Boleyn was beheaded they held up her head and showed it to the crowd. Her eyes were open and her face was still moving.I have read that once the head is severed you can show it to the body but it’s not a theory I want to try out.

      • Cindy November 25, 2012 at 00:53 #

        Oh! wOw!! Tell me you’re making that up Shea. Now I’ll never get that image outta my head!

        • admin November 25, 2012 at 01:05 #

          I’m not making the part about Anne Boleyn up but, then again, I was not there. I am not that old. The other part is just something I read. So take it with a grain of salt. I could do a little more research and blog about it. Maybe that will set your mind at ease.

  4. Cindy November 25, 2012 at 02:50 #

    Noooooo Thanks.

  5. admin November 25, 2012 at 02:58 #


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