Our Day Has Come

It’s finally here, the day we’ve all been waiting for. I have been waiting since summer to put in my vote and be done with it. I’m so tired of all the political propaganda and especially my Facebook news feed being clogged up with it though, admittedly, I’m probably one of the biggest culprits there is. After today, Ladies and Gentlemen, you won’t be hearing a peep out of me, at least not a political peep. It’s sad this election has divided people so badly. I’ve never sensed anything like it – so much rage, so much betrayal……anyways, I’ve lost some Facebook friends due to this election. If you can’t be tolerant of someone else’s views I don’t need you. Hit the road and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Though the Republicans can be too rigid for my taste, I find my fellow Democrats are less tolerant of other views which saddens me. This election has been the nastiest mess I have every seen in my entire life. I can see it from over here in Germany. As unpatriotic as this sounds, I am at the point where I just want them to pick somebody and roll with it. Luckily they will today.

Our country is in dire need of good, strong leadership. We don’t need someone who is going to apologize for our country when it’s not us in the wrong. Personally, I think Mitt can offer us a fresh start and revitalization. Of course, there have been times where I have actually been wrong before. Mark the time and the date ;) He may not be what I wanted but he looks pretty darned good right about now. That happens when pickins are slim and there is no other choice. It’s amazing how that happens.

Let’s talk about rights. Right now we each have basic human rights and that is what we want to keep. We can work on gay rights and women’s rights later which, of course, I do believe in. Our basic freedom is at stake now. There are actually many gays and women voting for Romney because they feel the same way I do. Many women are all up in arms over women’s issues but we have suffered since the dawn of time. Now is no different. When I watched the debates it was so pathetic that they were both arguing over who cares about women the most. My answer would be neither. It was so obvious to me. It’s a man’s world, unfortunately. Ask Hillary. Again I have to go with my gut instinct and vote for the man that seems to have a shred of decency and business savvy. I prefer to think with my smarts not my parts. I know that if we keep going the route we are going that nobody, gay, straight, women or men will have a voice soon.

I am thinking about my children and their future. If they are to have one we must change our strategy. I don’t want to leave them face down dead in a ditch. What parent would? I know I am not in the position to do this by myself but together we can do it. Mitt you have my vote. I am trusting you here.



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