Mindless Obamamania

Being a Democrat myself, I naturally don’t have anything against voting for one but, for the life of me, I can’t understand the blind faith people have in Barack Obama. Someone please explain it to me. I’ve seen videos where otherwise sane people are vowing to obey him and people teaching their kids to sing praises to him. Something is wrong here people. I have provided a link at the bottom just so you know I’m not lying. It’s very creepy. When he was elected in 2008 I could not believe the mass hysteria with people crying and Oprah looking like a big fool. People were treating him like the Messiah and calling him “The One.” I had never seen anything like it in all my life and still haven’t. He is charismatic, whereas the Republican candidates are very bland and boring, making him the “cool” choice. Anyways, after the hysteria died down I let it go. Fast forward 4 years. The US is in shambles with massive unemployment and more on food stamps than ever before. Going forward alright – off a cliff. Obama has failed miserably as a president, the middle east is burning, our men are dead, and our flags are burning as a declaration of war. What does our Barack do? Flies to Vegas for a fundraiser, next day it’s Letterman, then an obscene party hosted by Jay-Z and Beyonce. Sorry Mr. Netanyahu, can’t meet with you today. I gotta chill with Jay at the club. Our president is an utter disgrace. He hasn’t done anything for us and won’t. It’s all been orchestrated so he really isn’t a failure at what he has set out to do, which is to set up a socialist society with hm as dictator. If he gets the job again he’s gonna try to change the 8 year terms limits. You mark my word. I know a lot of people may think I am delusional but I stand by what I say. I do my homework. The Hollywood crowd is going to support him no matter what and of course, so will the media. They might change their tune when they are forced to spread their wealth but it will be to late. They will get everything they deserve. I, and many others will not add one penny to the actors and actresses supporting the most unAmerican president we have ever had. Goodbye George Clooney, Sarah Jessica Parker, Gwen Stefani, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Susan Sarandon – you tools. Screw ‘em I say. I love my country and it’s precious freedom that isn’t free.

Here’s a list of just a few supporters and some Obama loving videos. Click here.


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4 Responses to Mindless Obamamania

  1. Sharon September 22, 2012 at 04:26 #

    I don’t understand either, Jesus said there will be a person with many followers that will lie say
    things that you want to hear. People now days aren’t reading. They’re believing sweet words that aren’t true. The U.S.A will crumble if he gets elected again. People are so stupid to think he’s a saver think about it people come on . Once your eyes are open it will be revealed to you. Think for a moment about who is backing him?

    • admin September 22, 2012 at 04:30 #

      I agree. I don’t usually get into politics but I am making an exception this time just in case it might make a difference. Only a person with no soul is gonna take off for a fundraiser after everything that went down in the middle east. He infuriates me to no end and I just want to slap his face. The New World Order is coming into play but I’m not gonna worry about it because I know He’s gonna take care of us. At least Gene Simmons has the sense to vote for Romney. Thanks for the comment :)

  2. Stephen September 22, 2012 at 13:34 #

    I used to think to myself when I read the book of revaluations , how can those people blindly follow someone so anti god? I see now . Liberal media prints only what they want you to read, this president is the definition of hypocrisy .
    The pied piper calls and people blindly follow with hopes of a perfect world . There is no color, no races, everyone pays their fair share and everyone get a a shot. Meanwhile, our countrymen are being murdered our flag is being burned all over the world, there are no jobs,over 40 million on foodstamps,people are losing their homes , and this president is on late night shows and partying with celebs. The media justifies it. Although we know if it were a conservative republican doing the same, it would be like a scene from Frankenstein with pitchforks n torches . Meanwhile continues playing his tune. I’m rambling.
    Thanx Shea, enjoy the blog

    • admin September 22, 2012 at 13:37 #

      I really don’t know. It’s so unnerving to see otherwise sane people that following him. I hate politics but now is the time to speak up.

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