It’s a Sick World

The sickness in this world never ceases to amaze me. I just came across the most disturbing thing while I was laying in my bed chillin’ and surfing on the web. You never can be prepared for something like this. In the course of the evening, I am usually drawn to Britain’s Daily Mail. I know it’s not top-notch reporting but it is a guilty pleasure I have. I was hesitant to devote a whole blog post to this obviously very mentally ill woman but somehow I couldn’t let this golden opportunity pass me by.

According to the article, a 37 year Swedish woman was found hoarding skeletal parts and using them for s-e-x-ual purposes. She had one wrapped up in the blankets on her bed like a lover. My mind doesn’t want a mental image of anything that will keep me from sleeping. I need all the rest I can get. Unfortunately, I think its too late. They also found pictures of her making out with a skull along with other paraphernalia pertaining to her disgusting fetish. I was appalled to begin with but I was REALLY appalled that she had parts stuffed in the refrigerator with her food. She does not have to worry about me coming to her house to eat or for anything else for that matter. I prefer not to associate with those sort of people. I can’t imagine what could be going on in her mind and I really pity her therapist.  That’s all the time I will give her. Here is a link in case you dare.

I always read comments on the articles since they are more entertaining than the story themselves. One persons commented that that’s why they never eat at potluck suppers. In case you don’t know, a potluck is where everyone has to bring something. And you never know how people are behind closed doors. I have heard horror stories from co-workers talking about things like throwing away a pie and there being a roach at the bottom. I am not too keen on eating something from someone I know nothing about. Years ago when I worked at WalMart, they were getting ready for a potluck  *shudder*. LUCKILY God had mercy on my soul and delivered me from WalMart. I got a new job and I was not forced to attend. Then I got to my new job and what do you think they were having? A POTLUCK. I’m not sure I ate anything. I just remember I bought some pies with food stamps. I needed them when I worked at WalMart. So, I brought my food stamp pies and that was that. No harm, no foul.


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2 Responses to It’s a Sick World

  1. Cindy November 22, 2012 at 01:23 #

    Yup, that’s pretty disturbing, that and the picture you posted of the Black Dahlia. Now you’ll never get any sleep tonight. I was watching a show last night about people with doll fetishes. They prefer lifesize dolls as companions instead of real women. Lots of sick people out there in the world.

    • admin November 22, 2012 at 01:30 #

      These people need a padded cell, that’s for sure.

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