I Love the 80′s

Growing up in middle class America, I can honestly say I had it good. Me and my siblings had an all-American upbringing in the 80′s, which was a great time to be a kid. We played outside til dark, got ICEEs every chance we got, went on trips to Disneyland, and went camping with our parents. MTV was still young and they actually played quality music but that is long gone. We had shows like Laverne & Shirley, Happy Days, and later, Family Ties, which was and still is awesome. Michael J. Fox will always be Alex P. Keaton to me. I also relished theĀ Nickelodeon show You Can’t Do That on Television. They wouldn’t dare put a show like that on now. These days, you really can’t do that on television or anywhere else for that matter. What a shame. Makes me feel kinda sorry for today’s youth. It seems like there’s nothing left. There is too much political correctness and worrying if your gonna hurt someone’s feelings. Anyways, back to what I was saying, things were just simpler. No one had internet or email, we just wrote letters with a pen and paper. Our family only had a Vic 20, where you had to type in your commands manually – so primitive by today’s standards. I also remember having to make my own programs in computer class,which is a lost art today. We also had an Atari with cassettes and a joystick. Many an hour was spent trying to beat my brother at Pacman. Now he is in his early forties with a ton of kids and he probably would not have time for another showdown. Too bad. I’ve had decades to perfect my skills. Bottom line, today’s world is so much more complicated. I do not envy the kids of today. OK, maybe their youth now that I am no longer the spring chicken that I was. Time moves on and we just have to accept it warts and all. As the saying goes, “Don’t look back, You’re not going that way.”

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2 Responses to I Love the 80′s

  1. Michelle September 17, 2012 at 15:58 #

    Your brother would love the showdown. He plays the video games with all the kiddos. Lol. But I am afraid Matt would be the pacman king around here. The 80′s were a good time to grow up. :)

    • admin September 17, 2012 at 16:05 #

      They sure were :)

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