Deep Diving

Life sure has a way of spitting in your face the moment everything seems to be going okay. Why does life have to be so damned hard? I know things could be worse. It could always be worse. One thing I have learned is to never ever ask if it could get worse because that’s exactly when it does. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way, several times. I could go into detail but I don’t want to bore you into a coma. Visions of hari kari also come to mind. I guess I’ve watched Airplane too many times. Maybe I should watch it again and forget my troubles for a little while .

On the good side, I am glad I left America when I did. I could be digging through dumpsters looking for food. Not that I’ve never dug through a dumpster before. I have several times. I know how to save a buck when I have to. I’ve found some really neat stuff in there – a nice pair of shoes, a dresser, a kitchen table that I gave to a friend, etc. It’s a real treasure trove. I just never go looking for food there – yet. I still would go dumpster diving if I still lived there but nowadays the garbage is probably already picked through.

On the bad side, my friends and loved ones are still there and struggling, some even asking if I have a spare room. And they were serious when they asked. Unfortunately, even Germany is not immune to hard times. The job I was counting on fell through and instead of hiring, the company is laying off. It was a disappointment but I will be okay. At least I have a roof over my head and I do have money coming in from freelance work and graphic art.

I don’t want my friends to think my life is all wine and roses over here because it isn’t. I work very hard whether it shows or not. At the moment it doesn’t. I’ve worked very hard all my adult life. I have a very strong work ethic which I am trying to instill in my son, the most stubborn child ever conceived. I haven’t been successful far but when I am you will know because I am going to take out a billboard ad.

Lastly, I hope it doesn’t get to the point where we’re all fighting for food in a dumpster. My friend in New York said he would throw me a sandwich if I came to visit him. That sure sweetens the pot. I’m on my way :)

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6 Responses to Deep Diving

  1. CINDY November 9, 2012 at 02:34 #

    Shea, I think you’ll need a castle to fit all of us in. ;) But seriously, maybe you didn’t get the job you were hoping for because something better is coming along.

    • admin November 9, 2012 at 02:54 #

      We’ll see. Meet ya at the dumpster ;)

      • CINDY November 9, 2012 at 05:17 #

        I call dibs on the one behind Crawdaddys. ;)

        • admin November 9, 2012 at 07:56 #


  2. Frank Johnson November 9, 2012 at 06:00 #

    The red zone is for the loading and unloading of passengers only ….

    • admin November 9, 2012 at 07:57 #


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