A Nasty Piece of Work

Let’s go back to the subject of politics for this blog post – the upcoming presidential elections to be precise. People are probably tired of me talking about it and I know I’m becoming such a killjoy. I don’t even live in America anymore. Does that make me unpatriotic? NO. Like most Americans living overseas, this is where life has taken me. Do I still care what happens to America? YES. I am proud to say I was born and raised in the USA. I have been a liberal since I registered to vote at 18 but things have taken a rather nasty turn in the past few years and the Democratic party has been replaced by socialists. This is not the party I chose to support back in 1991. Normally I am comfortable voting for a Democrat but not this time. This time is different – very different. Our freedom is at stake. Some people laugh at the idea but it’s no laughing matter. I don’t like some two-bit upstart coming along destroying what our forefathers painstakingly put together and using the Constitution as toilet paper. I could see what he was about in 2008 and I still can but now it’s even clearer. Why am I the only one to predict nothing but doom and disaster if Obama gets another term? Our rights are being taken away right under our noses. Why are we letting him get away with this? He’s running amok and nobody is holding him accountable. People look at me like they can’t believe what I’m saying. How dare I criticize the Great Obama. Pulease! I’d sooner worship the Great Pumpkin. At least I would have a pumpkin unlike a lot of Americans that don’t even have a pot to piss in. In my opinion our POTUS is a POS. These people are living high on the hog and the American public is the one picking up the tab. I might not be able to match wits with Steven Hawking but I sure as hell did not just fall off the turnip truck. I can see so clearly what he is doing. Why can’t his followers? He plans on a socialist society with him as indefinite leader. To me that’s a problem. Another thing I have problem with is their never-ending spending. To start with, his hateful wife has 23 attendants when other First Ladies needed only 2. She’s gonna look like The Grinch no matter what she does. I hate to tell her. She is so hate filled that it even shows on her face. Take a good look.  The Obama’s take one lavish vacation after the next in between rounds of golf. Malia Obama took 12 friends to Mexico with secret service agents. Their dog keeper alone gets paid over $100,000. I’m not a dog person, but where do I apply? I would also like to apply as one of their round-the-clock movie projectionist that they have in their private cinema. As America is suffering suffering a depression, George and Weezy are living like royalty. Don’t get me started on the middle east situation. It’s late and I don’t want to get into it. I am airing my grievances now since there is still free speech. Tomorrow may be a different story.


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